Wednesday, 17 September 2014

How to Bomb Email Account With PHP Script

1. Paste this code in notepad:

$mail = 1;
do {
mail ("Victim E-Mail", "subject",
"message", "From Email Can Be
} while($mail < 50000);

In the above script, replace "Victim
E-Mail" with the email of the person
you intend to wreak havoc on.

Replace "subject" with what you
want the subject of your mail to be.

With "message" replace this with
what you want your email message
to be (the actual content or body of
the email).

With "From Email
Can Be Fake", replace this with a
fictitious email of your choosing

2. Now save this file as index.php

3. Now the third step is to host this site on internet. Now a days there are many free web hosting sites my favorite is hostinger/000webhost

4. Now go to the hosted site Url until all the mails are sent. This hack will send 50000 email to the victims mail which Your script will run as long as it takes for your domain to be closed down.

The script basically runs on a do while loop. So you can send anything up to 50,000 emails to someone. The above information has it uses. I'll let you decide what you want to do
with it. A problem I've noticed inherent in bombing an email account, is that the majority of your emails will be sent into the victims junk box. You may now be thinking well what's the point then?. Trust me though, if you're trying to get a message across to someone, they'll notice the addition of 1000 emails a
day in their junk box. This isn't your ordinary load of junk mails. You can combine the php email bombing script along with other forms of attack too. I once had someone frozen out of all their IM (instant messenger accounts). While they were frozen out of their accounts, I
was repeatedly bombing the persons email accounts. I got my message across.

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